Dozens of non-oncology drugs can kill cancer cells
For today's offcology rounds.
Antarctic ice sheet retreat could trigger chain reaction
Like ice launch into your face from a good beverage.
Eastern Psychology might offer removing desire for each of the passions as a way to remove the thoughts created by those emotions, as created by desire (i.e., hypothalamus).
Western Psychology achieves this with psychotropic drugs.
Materials that can revolutionize how light is harnessed for solar energy
According to a panel of experts.
Putting the ‘bang’ in the Big Bang
The big bang needs a haircut.
Positive outlook predicts less memory decline
Positive outlook is good looking out.
Buddhist monks do not attempt to only sit around being “mindful.”
Although it’s gotta be easier to meditate in those robes than in skinny jeans.
Unexpected uncertainty can breed paranoia
Expected certainty can breed pronoia.
Soft tactile logic’ tech distributes decision-making throughout stretchable material
Yoga pants became a smart choice.
Red dwarf starlight suitable to grow photosynthesizing bacteria
That time when mold anywhere starts to eat sun.
Attraction: Females go for more masculine features in short-term, less masculine features in the long-term.
That's why for tonight, we use Tinder, and for retirement, we use Tender.
Taking the temperature of dark matter
Stick out your tongue and say awesome.
ESO instrument finds closest black hole to Earth
Suprise it's Florida.
Astronomers detect possible radio emission from exoplanet
Conservatives bought up talk radio there too.
The U.S. has a higher rate of poverty than some other industrialized nations.
That's right, the US isn't just winning in obesity rates, we have poverty locked down too.
Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic
AI comits genocide against bacteria.
Are black holes made of dark energy?
Man Science is racist.
A billion tiny pendulums could detect the universe’s missing mass
It doesn't take any to tell the universe's skipping church.
Ontogenesis is how an egg becomes a mind.
Not to be confused wth Torontogenesis, which is how an egg becomes a Canadian citizen.