The right dose of geoengineering could reduce climate change risks The wrong dose seems to have made Earth into a giant mall.
Tomato’s hidden mutations revealed in study of 100 varieties Like the less popular but cooler Late Girl.
The Mesolimbic Dopamine System (MDS): The pathway of addiction, every addictive substance relates to it. Such as alcohol, nicotine, and twitter.
Simple, fuel-efficient rocket engine could enable cheaper, lighter spacecraft It's just rocketscience.
What a pair! Coupled quantum dots may offer a new way to store quantum information As may acid microdots.
Hypothesis: a knife cut between the two brain areas should abolish the newly learned response. This Hypothesis was disproven. I lost a lot of good students disproving that one!
Discovery at ‘flower burial’ site could unravel mystery of Neanderthal death rites Neanderthals clubbed hippies.
Increased fertility for women with Neanderthal gene, study suggests That explains fertility in the American south.
Field geology at Mars’ equator points to ancient megaflood Noah vs. Moses: the proverbial Great Flood and Red Sea.
The right DLPC is related to Avoidance, and the left is related to Approach behavior in environments, learning, and engagement. So being not in your “Right” mind might actually be a good thing.
Sometimes our behavior doesn’t align with our beliefs. Especially when you're stuck in a political conversation at a party.
Ancient volcanoes once boosted ocean carbon, but humans are now far outpacing them Still the EPA did issue a strong warning to ancient volcanoes.
Major Atlantic ocean current system might be approaching critical threshold Soon to be "At land I.C."
Reaction time: Amount of time taken to respond to a specific stimulus. For example, how long does it take a driver's foot to hit the gas pedal after seeing the traffic light turn yellow?