Experts unlock key to photosynthesis, a find that could help us meet food security demands Turning over a new leaf.
Original research conducted on the sea slug, Aplysia. The slug had bigger neurons that were easier to see and study. Although its memories were pretty boring unless you like algae.
A human embryo goes through a ‘fish’ stage complete with gill ridges. Gill ridges grow into the bones of our inner ear. So we have our fish stage to thank for our Phish stage.
No need to cut down red and processed meat for health reasons, controversial findings suggest Study approved by the French tourism industry.
Progesterone prepares the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized ovum and promotes the maintenance of pregnancy. Think of it as the Barry White effect.
Modern snakes evolved from a few survivors of dino-killing asteroid That's why snakes are so grouchy.
Antagonist: Drug that blocks a neurotransmitter Agonist: Drug that mimics or increases an effect Agony: not having access to either drug
Climate change — not Genghis Khan — caused the demise of Central Asia’s river civilizations, research shows But Genghis did then have enough offpring to take some credit for climate change.
Steroid Hormones Contain four carbon rings, and exert their effects in three ways. The most common of which is increasing your chances of winning the tour de France.