Kidney Stones Fly Out Of People On Roller Coasters, Surgeon Discovers Some don't merely get stoned on roller coasters; they get kidney stoned.
‘African great apes to suffer massive range loss in next 30 years’ But at least it's getting much easier for the apes to mark their territory.
‘Scientists have just detected a major change to the Earth’s oceans linked to a warming climate’ But at least surfers are happy.
Beaked whales can hold their breath for over 3 hours (and possibly longer) The difference is Baked whales first inhale.
Boy, 15, is locked up for at least 14 years for deadly knife attack They won't have to teach him how to shank.
Sensitivity to prolonged stimulation tends to decline over time as an organism adapts to current conditions. Unless that stimulation is the sound of your Mother-in-Law's voice. Then it increases.
‘Machine Learning Algorithm Revolutionizes How Scientists Study Behavior’ At this rate there won't be behavior left to study at all.
‘Wearable exosuit that lessens back muscle fatigue could redesign the future of work’ Back in business.
Texas city’s water deemed unsafe due to chemical leak "Oxygen and hydrogen was comin' out," reported one local scientist.
Body integration (Health): different organs and systems work together to lead to energy and happiness. Mine usually just lead to the fridge.
We Now Know Why There Are Dead Galaxies Floating Lost in The Void of Space Samsung discontinued so many.
Those with damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex show decreased guilt and trust. So they would steal the answers to a test and not believe them.
Facebook is making a big push this summer to sell ads to drugmakers They'll be adding glazed-eyed emojis for apathetic responses to posts.
Climate Change Could be a Risk to Krill. As long as it doesn't keep the former establishment put in place from making that skrill.
‘New study disputes the theory of aliens living in the clouds over Venus’ As women are from Venus I'm going with a pantheon of lesbian deities.
40% of the world’s population gets by on less than $2 a day. That could go up to as high as 60%, because Wal-Mart is hiring.